lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

¡Hola buenas tardes!

Recuerden que estamos trabajando el uso de verbos en pasado simple, por lo que para dar continuidad a lo visto en clases aquí están las actividades del día.

A)   Ver el video que se presenta de Kenny Rogers, identificar los verbos en pasado que aparecen y hacer un listado en su cuaderno con su traducción (25 a 30), este ejercicio lo califico regresando a la escuela, pero es importante tener su trabajo terminado ya que esta lista de verbos la vamos a utilizar en la segunda clase de esta semana. 
     Una vez que vieron el video, lo analizaron y reflexionaron su contenido, tendrán que subir su opinión (en inglés) con un máximo de 15 palabras y un mínimo de 10 palabras. Esto es la participación escrita. Valor 150%

No olviden escribir su nombre en cada actividad, de lo contrario no cuenta su trabajo.

NOTA IMPORTANTE: Esta es la primera clase de la semana, deberás entregar el trabajo el día que te corresponde. Hoy sólo recibo trabajos de 1º 1, mañana de 1º 2 y el miércoles de 1º 3. Eviten copiar trabajos, si detecto respuestas idénticas en automático se anulan los trabajos involucrados.
Les dejo mi correo electrónico por si tienen alguna duda y les da pena expresarla en el blog.

¡Hola buenas tardes!

Iniciamos el bloque 2 titulado Unreal Situations, en el cual se trabaja el segundo condicional que se forma de la siguiente manera:

IF I + verb in past, I WOULD + verb in infinitive + complement


1.- If I were you, I would go to the party (si yo fuera tu, yo iría a la fiesta)

Se dan cuenta el verbo en pasado es were, en la segunda parte de la oración siempre se escribe la palabra WOULD junto con el verbo en infinitivo, el cual tendrá la terminación (ría) I would go= yo iría

2.- If I had money, I would buy a new mobile (si yo tuviera dinero, yo compraria un nuevo celular)
 El verbo en pasado ahora es HAD y en la consecuencia ahora se utiliza el infinitivo buy.

Se puede escribir la contracción de la palabra would que es ´d, luego entonces una oración quedaría de la siguiente manera:

3.- If I spoke english, I´d be happy in this moment. (Si yo hablara inglés, estaría feliz en este momento)

En sus oraciones pueden escribir would o ´d, como ustedes lo decidan.
Ahora les corresponde a ustedes escribir 5 oraciones usando el segundo condicional 50%, 

Quien desee le tome participación oral, suba su video o su audio, leyendo sus oraciones, sin necesidad de escribirlas en el blog, ya que le contará como participación oral y escrita. Valor 70%.

Les dejo mi correo electrónico por si tienen alguna duda y les da pena expresarla en el blog.


A)   For this week activity you have to watch the movie: FREEDOM WRITERS and you have to do…

1.- Write your opinion in my blog, about the movie (20 to 25 words) 100%.

2.- Elaborate a Mind Map, which I will check when we get back to school 100%

Tienen hasta el viernes para subir su actividad 1.

Quien desee le tome participación oral, suba su video o su audio, leyendo su opinión, sin necesidad de escribirla en el blog, ya que le contará como participación oral y escrita. Valor 120%.

Eviten copiar trabajos, si detecto respuestas idénticas en automático se anulan los trabajos involucrados.


82 comentarios:

  1. ¿Profesor, el audio se lo puedo mandar por correo?

  2. Trabajo
    1. - If didn't watch so much televisión, I'd do better in school. (si no viera tanta televisión, me iría mejor en la escuela)

    2.-If won the lottery, I would buy my dream house. (si ganara la lotería compraría la casa de mis sueños)

    3.-If we lived in te united states we would learn english very FAST. (si viviéramos en Estados Unidos aprenderiamos inglés más rápido)

    4.-If she were your friend, you would tell her the truth. (si fuera tu amiga le dirías la verdad)

    5.-If you Last weight, your clothes would fit you. (si perdieras peso la ropa te quedaría bien).

  3. 1. If you studied harder, you would pass easily
    2. If Rafael had wings, he would fly ar ound the world
    3. If i was taller, he would like
    4. If México won the world cup, we would be happy
    5. If i learned french i would travel to france

  4. Unreal Situations.

    1. If I had money, I would buy land to make street animals a home.

    2. If I had down, I would buy all kinds of down that excites.

    3. If I had black jeans, I would buy white sneakers to Match.

    4. If I had a cat, I would buy a minimum plus package.

    5. If I had a cell phone, I would buy a case of emojis.

  5. 1. If i had money, i would buy what i wanted
    2. If i knew english, i would not have to use translator
    3. If i had a cat, i wouldn't a the dog
    4. If i had a car, i would be happy
    5. If i had the internet, i wouldn't have to go online

  6. 1.If i had a car , I would go everywhere .
    2.if i spoke English , I would travel.
    3.If i worked ,I would buy clothes.
    4.If i paid attention , I would get good grades.
    5.If i didn't see my phone so much , I would have very good grades.

  7. 1-if i studied every day i would ver 10 on My exam.
    2-if i did ir was deliciosa fotos i would está veryrich.
    3- if i had a car , i would spend all te data.
    4- if You knew how ti rife a buje i would walk all day .
    5- if i had allá My Jobs ir would have all they scale
    6- if o did My homework well i would ver 10 un English.

  8. 1.if i had worked, i would buy a house
    2.if i had money , i would many clothes
    3.if i had a pet,i would i could date her
    4.if i had a plane, i would like to travel
    5.if i had toys, i would like to play with them

  9. 1.If i study, i would good grades
    2.if i exercise, i would have a good exid
    3.if i pay attetion, i would untersand things better
    4.if i speak more, i would have Friends
    5. If i see math tutorials, l would understand the class and the exercises


  11. 1.- If i were to ron and exercise i would be healthy and slim.

    2.- if i got up earlier i would be more punctual.

    3.- If I fell asleep earlier, I would not have dark cicles.

    4.- Ir Frank water, I wouldn't feel tired.

    5.- If spoke well to my parents,they would let me out.

    García Serrano Ana Guadalupe 2do 1 Vespertino.

  12. Unknown23 de marzo de 2020, 14:53

    Soy Valeria González 🤷🏻‍♀️

  13. 2°1
    Roberto Ángel Terrón Gutiérrez
    -If I had money I would go around the world.
    -If I was a professional football player I would help people who don't have money
    -If I finish my studies I will find a very good job
    -If I help my mom, she won't scold me all day
    -If I turn in my homework and take notes on time I will get 10 in all subjects

  14. 1-if i studied every day i would ver 10 on My exam.
    2-if i did ir was deliciosa food i would eat veryrich.
    3- if i had a car , i would spend all the days
    4- if You knew how to ride a bike i would walk all day .
    5- if i had all My Jobs it would have all the scale
    6- if o did My homework well i would get 10 in English.


  15. 1. If i had sister i would play with her
    2. If i money i would buy clothes for me
    3. If i had books i would read mi favorite novels
    4. If i haf car i would travel alone
    5. If i had photos i would paint many photos of sunsets
    Asinai Malinali Huitrón Flores

  16. 1. If I didn't spend that much time on social media, I'd have time to do my homework.
    2. If I worked, I would buy everything I wanted.
    3.If I had a chance to meet my idols, I would be the happiest :)
    4.If I knew how to sing, I would be a great talent to show off.
    5. If you had a car, you would not have to take the bus to go to school.

    Vanessa Hernandez Capula

  17. 1.-If I won teh lottery I´d buy a new house
    2.- If I did excercise I´d have beautiful body
    3.- If you took a shower you woul feel good
    4.- If you studied you would have good future
    5.- If I worked I would spend a lot of money

  18. It is about a teacher who had just finished her degree and then started working in a California school where she begins to teach languages. Her students live in neighborhoods where there is a problem at home. She wants to help them in not leaving school and being good. students and giving them support and giving great lessons to the students
    Mario Hernandez 3º1

  19. I found the video very interesting but at the same time very sad because it talks about his past life and how hard it was.
    Maria Fernanda Colin Perez 1st 2 Evening

  20. Quezada Carrasco Marco Antonio 3TI think about the film that looks perfect on me in the area of racism and overcoming a woman for wanting to help people being like that of the path she had to go through, about the clashes and mistreatment in the street and all out of respect.ercer Grado Grupo "2"

  21. My opinion is about the movie that shows complexity to demonstrate the teacher's challenges, but manages to find tools to change teachers in the way of working and that they learn in class, despite the fact that the students lived in gang streets. The teacher confronted him about his problems and taught him that he did not have to give up in order to transform, with empathy and absolute dedication, into the vision of life of a group of young people who seemed to have no hope

    GRADO: 3 GRUPO: 2

  22. my opinion on the video is that his father was really right to tell him that to be a man he didn't have to fight and avoid problems and he did it on many occasions but in the end he kept bothering him and he had to take cards in the matter
    Juliana Thayli Guzman Molina
    grade 1 group 2
    evening shift

  23. My opinion about the movie freedomwritters is that it’s a really great teacher movie , where Erin Gruwell does the impossible to change her students life by letting them tell there story. She pushes them to be better and stop hating each other. She makes a family of them and earns there trust.

    Ana Laura Eustaquio Leon
    grado: 3 grupo :1

  24. In my opinion, this film has a lot of truth since it seems that the past and the present and insurance the future is repeated again and again since people always judge for everything: skin color, body, social position, religion, among others, has been shown that I was too surprised that you are that teacher did until the impossible so that her students knew that they have the power to change the future what is possible to change our path because although our past was a real failure our future does not have to be just as you sometimes saves us and makes us feel a weight less a respite
    Nombre :Nancy Miriam Hernández Macedo
    Grado :3 Grupo :3

  25. teaches students not to give up despite the problems they have and to meet the goals they have, it also teaches teachers that there are ways to motivate students to meet their goals

    Luis Romero Serrano
    Grado:3° Grupo:"1"

  26. my opinion is that this film has a lot of truth because it is about how people of color have a perspective of white people and when their teacher led proves otherwise, they take things differently and realize that they have everything the same, and not because our future has been a complete failure in the future it will be the same.
    Nombre: Giovana Irais López León
    Grado:3° Grupo:3

  27. In my opinion I feel that it leaves a lesson. I also feel that we as adolescents must fight for what we propose and look for alternatives and train our problems without evading them and that in case of falling we must rise up and always give our best

  28. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  29. my opinion is that the teacher told her first grade studentss that we all have,"a life to tell" or something to "tell" andwell, over time, the students. they wrote daily what was happening to them in a "diary" that the teacher gave them with great affection,and well, if they did and there is never alack of who wants to underestimate you, and well,i think a teacher told teacher that she was not going to manage to train the students with a profession but in the end it was shown that yes, and with the passage of time the teacher began to gain her affecction from her students , who reached the point of asking her to be together the semester that was coming and they could get. and the teacher told them to give their diaries a title that was as follows."THE WRITERS OF FREEDOM".
    GRADO:3 GRUPO:"3"

  30. Opinion: I had already seen the film but there are certain parts that I do not remember so I decided to see it again and that is when you realize the important parts that you no longer remember, for example when the teacher talks about the caricature of the one he draws of a black boy, when the person speaks of many years ago when society also suffered from racism, and people of color were not as aggressive as others, on the contrary white people believed themselves better than people of color, then when you see the movie and see the opinions of people of color you realize that many people suffered abuse in those years, and have even been shot, by unknown people, then when seeing the good deed of the teacher and actually see what life is like and knowing that it is difficult to overcome these problems, people begin to believe more about themselves, the film is many years old but what a good film it is to reflect on.

    Name: Millán Gómez Fernando
    Group: "1" 3 °

  31. I consider when watching the movie that many times the hechi of not having support from anyone and even not believing in yourself can cause too many things in your person such as insecurities or feeling less than others and that someone lotive you to believe in you and you trust makes a big difference

    Name: Frida Monserrat Archundia Martínez
    Grade: 3rd. Group 1

  32. My opinion about the movie is that I really like it since the teacher who gives adolescents with problems of a high degree so to speak, whether they are family or socil, it really is to admire the teacher of the movie since she does not care about anything she He never gave up on teaching good lessons, it really is amazing how we can help those young people to change a better future and leave that bad path that they were in
    Name:Diana Cecilia Rosales Cigarroa
    Grade: 3 Group: 3

  33. My opinion about the movie is that I really like it since the teacher who gives adolescents with problems of a high degree so to speak, whether they are family or socil, it really is to admire the teacher of the movie since she does not care about anything she He never gave up on teaching good lessons, it really is amazing how we can help those young people to change a better future and leave that bad path that they were in
    Name:Diana Cecilia Rosales Cigarroa
    Grade: 3 Group: 3

  34. my opinion about the film is that it is very good because not everyone cares about changing their students, and without change she, no matter how difficult it was, did not give up and her tactics and strategies of being empathetic with them managed to change her fucking point of view about her life and I manage to guide them and make them better

    Jonathan Daniel Nava Mendoza
    Tercero 2
    Turno vespertino
    Número de lista 31

  35. Professor Erin helps students make better people because in the past they have suffered abuse, bullying or other things that came to mark their childhood and because of that they get to hurt more people in their future, the teacher helps them get out of their problems and in my view it's good as some teens aren't heard by their potatoes and ellps feel free to have someone listen to them.
    Berenice Vega Salgado
    Tercero 2
    Turno Vespertino

  36. My opinion about the film is that the teacher cares about her students and tries to help them in the best way since they live in neighborhoods and there is a lot of violence with which they have been growing

    Lizeth Villafuerte Díaz Leal

    Tercer grado grupo dos

    Turno vespertino

  37. Opinion: All the students who are in the school have suffered a situation of violence or vandalism which has caused them to have that behavior until the teacher, acquiring her confidence, makes them change.

    Diego Sabino. 3° "1" Vespertino

  38. Opinion: I thought it was a good movie , sometimes you just need someone to hear you out and show you some love and attention and really understand your situation. Thats exactly what Erin the teacher did and that changed the students life who at the end beacme a united family.

    Daniel Canales 3·1 Vespertino

  39. The movie writers of freedom was very important to me because it mentioned a phrase "you cannot go against your own people". And the real fact that teachers address not talking in class about what happens in the city with students. I like the fact that it is carried out by gangs but the terrible thing is the discrimination that is experienced in the classroom, and corruption in the country.

    García Fuentes Yair. 3°2

  40. After a few days of class in the new course, Gruwell and his students enter a debate on racism in which he compares the caricature of a black student with big lips, drawn by another student, with the Nazi caricatures of Jews with big noses. So he decides to take the class on a visit to the Los Angeles Museum of Tolerance, to show the consequences of the Holocaust.

    One of the books students read is the Anne Frank Diary, after which they decide to raise money to invite Miep Gies to lecture on the Holocaust. In addition to the students known to four Holocaust survivors, some from Auschwitz (played by real survivors), at a dinner hosted by Mrs. Gruwell.

    López Alvirde Alan Daniel 3°2

  41. a good movie where the teacher tries to change her students so that they do not disagree and at the end the teacher asks them for a diary so that at the end they leave an inspiring note
    Alejandro Gonzalez Bernal 3°2

  42. Opinión : I liked the movie because they wanted the students to learn English. Erin struggles to connect with her students and experiences numerous fights between some students, who are in rival gangs.

    Turno: vespertino
    Rodrigo Iván soteno Sánchez

  43. My opinion:I loved the movie and it gave me a lot to think about and analyze our way of thinking today, since it talks about how a person like Professor Erin can change the thinking of young students who had very twisted thoughts about racism. , crime, even criminal records is a clear example that we can change as a society to be better with ourselves, by giving ourselves that purpose of teaching them to be united with each other, to have love, and I appreciate what students really lacked

    Turno: Vespertino
    Cristian Michael Carrasco Vilchis

  44. In my opinion, it is too interesting a movie since a teacher wants to change things because people hate each other and it is a story of individual overcoming of how problems can be solved with will, towards a society that judges color and color birthplace
    Isabel Alexandra Perea servin 3°2

  45. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  46. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  47. In my opinion, it leaves me a reflection on how feben be the teachers with the students, the film is developed in a context where the boys belong to gangs.
    The teacher earned the trust of her students, but at first with the attitude of the students it was very difficult to reach them, realizing that they lived in an environment of family violence, and social inequality, so between peers there is division and little tolerance, so the teacher designs strategies

    Epo 33
    3 3 Turno Vespertino

  48. It is literally reality, at present the educational systems are not interested in your problems, learning difficulties, among other things, they follow the same learning plan. Sometimes we need someone else to believe in us, just as the teacher managed to believe in her students and be able to get ahead no matter how serious they were.
    3° "3"
    Maricarmen Hernández Quiñones.


  49. My opinion about the movie is that it teaches you the social differences that exist, how they harm people and how for some people it is difficult to survive from day to day.
    That it is possible to achieve change if you set your mind to it and no matter the circumstances in which you find yourself you can always overcome yourself.

    Valeria Marlene Lara López 3 ° 3

  50. In my opinion, I liked the way in which I taught teenagers, because it gave him as a lesson that we must fight for what we intend to achieve without giving up.

    3° "3" Carla Estrella González Suárez

  51. I liked this film a lot because of the way they interpret school life in detail from the perspective of a teacher and I found it incredible the work that the teacher did with her students and did everything possible to transform education and the erroneous perspective that pupils had about life

    3° "1" Marian Adriana Romero García

  52. my opinion about the movie, it is a pretty good movie and it shows us a large part of our history so to speak since previously everyone fought for their lifestyles or rather to have equality in society, well the movie is very relevant and you it leads to have a great reflection for some the film might not be very good but in my case it was a film that caught my attention of course the plot is more than good and interesting it is a film that makes you understand how much you must value yourself to the people around you and are with you, we are all the same and we have the same values that lead us to be happy on our own and to be sure that nobody will make you feel bad, as well as showing the difficulties that can be overcome and that lead you to make decisions that can change the lifestyle and improve in everything you set out to do just as the teacher and her students did without first understanding be among them, but that's not my opinion and I hope you can understand.


  53. In my opinion it is a movie that leaves us a great teaching, and that personally motivated me since it is an indifference of religion or place of birth, and despite the situation that someone is living, continue fighting for what that we want despite the abuse.

    Diego Ramirez Zepeda.
    3° "3"

  54. In my opinion, it is a very good movie since it is based on a true story, in this case the teacher Erin Gruwell, who sacrifices her time, her personal life, even her style of dress to inspire her class to be better people, since, as they explain in the film, the life of the students in their class is based on gangs, fights for territories, loss of loved ones, etc.
    And what started as a class full of conflict and racial discrimination ended up being something full of support among students to help each other.

    Gonzáles Uribe Luis Angel 3°2

  55. It is about a teacher who is new to school and had an interest in stopping the hatred she had among gangs, they believed her crazy but she took the risk to change things and help her students. My opinion is that we should be like the teacher and try to change the hatred and rasismo that we have in the country and in the world.
    Martinez López Ximena
    3° 2 vespertino

  56. In the film a teacher appears who was teaching languages ​​in the city of California at that school she was willing to give everything necessary so that her students will take the best knowledge and learn about them as the days go by she realizes that they are her students going through something unpleasant since they live in slums and are victims of violence between gangs, in front of this the teacher looks for alternatives to earn their trust and thus overcome the problem.

    Contreras Vieyra Rodrigo 3° 1

  57. My opinion of the flim is that various students learn differently, teacher always have to look for that way as the teacher did personally i like what she did which was to give her students confidence that they were getting better and he showed that they were alone which changes a lot in a students so what we have to do is believe in ourselves even if nbody trusts you.

    Maya Martinez Fabian
    3° "3"

  58. FREEDOM WRITERS is a film that I quite liked since it gives us a teaching on Rasism, entering a debate on racism in which it compares the caricature of a black student with big lips and his ideas.
    Ahumada Espinosa Isaac
    3° "3"


  59. I really liked this film a lot because of the way school life is interpreted. I found the work the teacher did with her students incredible and even did what was possible to transform the education and the wrong that the students had.

    Ayrton Raziel Martinez Perez 3º"3"

  60. It was a teaching that would serve more for racist people since, as we saw in the movie, the protagonist wanted to train her students in a different way, but thanks to the labels of the people, they rejected the teacher (due to the skin tone). however, she never gave up, especially in that part of the city, where gang clashes and racial discrimination are the order of the day. The only thing she wanted was to realize her dream of teaching young people, not just the teaching plan. -cultural, but also moral, transmitting healthy values, such as mutual respect and tolerance.
    After plagiarism in their dream, the students who decide to join the teacher's project begin to write about their experiences in the daily notebooks, which will all be rewritten in a single book, where they express what they really feel and live regardless of race. , colo, groups. And in the end they manage to take everyone the same. NADIA JOCELYN HERNÁNDEZ CARRILLO. 3° 3. VESPERTINO

  61. FREEDOM WRITERS is a film based on real events where we are told the situation of a group of young people who have serious behavior and learning problems. Which a teacher named Erin Gruwell looks for learning methods to make them change their way of thinking and motivate them to do things that change their lives. This movie can help us in many ways, to have the initiative to achieve great things, to risk doing what we have dreamed of so much regardless of the circumstances.

    Never losing our values ​​and humility.

    García Campos Armando Loudovic, del tercero dos.

  62. My opinion about this movie, about the freedom writers, seemed to me an interesting story and movie since a teacher tries to help change the life of some of her students and allow them a better coexistence at home, she begins to gain their trust and helps his students.
    Natanaael Díaz Sánchez 3 3

  63. The film was very interesting to me because it is based on events that really happen in life, more in the United States. for its discrimination to the races or skin color, where it only matters to be white. This film motivated me to value every second of life that I have, to have to think more about what I do. why I don't know if one day it is or not so I can reflect on it. on the other hand I quite loved the movie.

    Colin Huerta Ulises

  64. it's a teenage boys what are distributed in Los Angeles, the passion of some of them is to become teacher, which comes that not ssbe that hacee with a man black, Latinos and Asian, since there will make life impossible, but becomes better and more person who others she sugie forward as no matter the limits you oingan.
    Reyna Martínez César 3.3

  65. it's a teenage boys what are distributed in Los Angeles, the passion of some of them is to become teacher, which comes that not ssbe that hacee with a man black, Latinos and Asian, since there will make life impossible, but becomes better and more person who others she sugie forward as no matter the limits you oingan
    Itzel Martínez 3.3

  66. Geraldine Castañeda Luján 3°1
    opinion on the film
    She is a teacher who does everything possible to be able to achieve all the challenges that are presented to her AND thus also be an example for her students and that each of them achieve their objectives.

  67. The film is a good plot since it is the reality that is lived, because they try to change the lives of their students, because they will always have people who play for everything, for the way you dress, if you have a good resemblance, etc. I liked that the teachings to the teachers that there are many ways to motivate the students

    carla mendez salinas 3° 1

  68. In my opinion, I think that it teaches us the challenges we face in life and work, and in this way we cannot let the environment in which we face affect us and we can express ourselves with great leadership but also respecting the points of other people's view and to be able to create bonds between people who are around us to have support, empathy from other people

    maria citlalli Araujo lopez - 3°1

  69. In my opinión This movie is very interesting since it is what is currently reflected well I think that at all times the human being goes through many obstacles either in one way or another but at the end of the day they make their lives of squares although we must recognize that there are very few people who go ahead and do not give up or for how big the obstacle is, the teacher had great value in not letting herself be overcome by the students and I try to find many strategies to correct her students and that is what what we should do people and maybe society would be different
    citlaly García Ramírez 3 1

  70. Well, in my opinion the movie is good helps you reflect and understand many forms of how equality was obtained since before there was no equality and all were divided into groups that were not so good since sometimes it was dangerous since as there was no much respect they killed each other and equality

  71. in my opinion, this good movie helps you to reflect and understand many ways of how equality was obtained since before there was no equality and all were divided into groups that were not as good as sometimes it was dangerous since there was not as much respect they killed each other and equality was very little and there should be equality between people
    Naidelyn Ximena Zúñiga Fierro

  72. in my opinion, this movie is interesting, because it shows the reality of the teachers, what it they face with the students every day, and how they can do their work, because I think that is difficult teach to a lot of students that probaly has different values and we can see too the reality about the students.
    Karen Aixa Padua López
    3 “2”
    Turno vespertino

  73. In my opinion,Well, the film is interesting since it is about a group of students without motivation for education and merely forced to survive, who consider themselves to have no future, who are overcome with the help of literature teacher Erín Gruwell, although the way of teaching At that time, they only considered them as criminals or impossible cases, leaving aside their duty to teach and motivate young people so that they overcome the techniques that the literature teacher develops with her students are criticized and because she did not receive support from school decides to find solutions on his own.
    Edwin Federico Reyes Rossano.
    3 "2"
    Turno vespertino

  74. In my opinion it is a very good film that is very reflective in the school environment since it makes us see what the perspective of both people is like, from teacher to student and from student to teacher, makes them understand their thoughts and imply that teachers are part of their work to teach and part of the students to learn.
    Oskar Uriel Secundino Jimenez 3°1

  75. The teacher´s posture was very good for not letting her guard down and maintaining that confidence in order to help her students so that they can move forward and get ahead as she always opens up new challenges to perform and overcome.

  76. The movie is about the troubles that is in a place between the different social class that are found in a public school in USA, in where the students has different troubles. Is about the woman called Erin, she got a work of a teacher and she helps with their problems to the students, that I think is good, because she helps it and is a good teacher.
    Luis Adrián Galán Naranjo.
    3 "2"
    Turno vespertino

  77. My opinion of the film is that we have a moment that is basically based on the real life of some places, this teaches you that you should not leave yourself for second or third people, you have to be strong and achieve everything you put in other cases, obstacles that you present then the truth leaves you a lot to analyze

  78. My opinion is that the film has a lot to do with reality since adolescents nowadays take refuge more on the street than having a social life, a very healthy life and a life with a lot of respect. So the film gives us to understand how teachers should identify a problem, I mean that they should give their students more than a possible solution and if not an inspiration for them to have a favorable life and not with so much violence and mentalities absurd that does not lead them to make good decisions


  79. My opinion is that everything she did to make them trust her was good since she made an emotional bond with her students, she also understood them in their problems so she was able to give them their support and that made them take affection for her and they can really do it the teachers, also if you were to think about how the teacher did if it can be done and the film was entertaining to reflect a little on life and spend some time

    Agustín Girón Romero
    Epo "33"

  80. In my opinion, I liked it because it is related to reality and the impression is the first thing that matters to people, if you are rich or poor, among other things, then the teacher helps the children and it is a movie for so we have communication with teachers

    Aide García Alcántara 3°1 vespertino

  81. A barely graduated teacher begins to teach language classes to students in one of the most discriminating and violent places in Long Beach, California.
    Jair Omar Hernandez Barcenas. 3º2. Turno: Vespertino.
